‘The Enemy Is Dividing the Church Right Now,’ Charlie Kirk Warns Church Leaders at Strong Church Dream Conference

Charlie Kirk Tommy Barnett Strong Church
Pastor Tommy Barnett and Charlie Kirk at Strong Church Dream Conference 2024. Photo credit: Jesse Jackson


Kirk continued, “And the American church is not going to roll over for the secular, godless, globalist regime that is raining terror in this country right now.” Speaking about the conference, Kirk said, “I believe it’s going to be a training bootcamp for the rest of this year.”

This conference brings church leaders together from different denominations who believe the Bible is God’s infallible Word and teaches the church how to display “mercy and compassion effectively to your city and to your nation,” Kirk said, “and also how you can speak truth about the issues that so many churches are afraid to speak out about.”

“We’re going to talk about how you speak about the transgender issue, the abortion issue, and the border issue from a biblical worldview perspective,” Kirk said, adding that “if you love Jesus, you love the Word, and you believe that liberty is God’s idea, not man’s idea,” this conference is the right place to be.

Kirk warned that news organizations and social media are attempting to persuade people that what TPUSA Faith and Dream City Church are doing is Christian nationalism. “My concern is that the enemy is dividing the church right now to be passive in this critical year of 2024,” he said.

RELATED: Charlie Kirk on Tucker Carlson, Abortion, and Why Biden ‘Will Be Tough To Beat in 2024’

“What we stand for is not political, but it is biblical at its core, and we are serious about saving the country, and it is the church that will lead,” Kirk said. “We’re in a season where people are desiring courage. Where people are desiring and fighting for what is ultimately good, beautiful, and true.”

A lot of “criticism is being thrown at the church right now,” Kirk added, through “documentaries, books, entire hour-long specials that CNN.”

These things are being created “because they know that if the church retains its rightful role as counselor to the King, that they are no longer going to be in positions of power in this country,” Kirk concluded.

Pastor Jentezen Franklin Preaches on the ‘Incredible Power of Staying Open’

Before Jentezen Franklin took the stage as the conference’s opening speaker, the Barnetts emphasized that their desire for the conference is to equip church leaders to love their communities with love and compassion of Jesus Christ by speaking biblical truth in a time when it’s not popular to do so.

The 61-year-old Franklin, who has been the senior pastor of Free Chapel in Gainesville, Georgia, for 34 years, encouraged the more than 2,000 attendees in the room, most of whom were ministry leaders, by preaching out of Acts 20 about the “incredible power of staying open.”

Staying open to how God wants to use you for his kingdom is the key to witnessing the “miraculous,” Franklin preached. “Openness is the key to breakthrough and going to a new level in your relationship with God.”

Franklin preached the need for revival and believes the church is about to witness a season when prodigals will return home, not because of church programs, but because of the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Jesse T. Jackson
Jesse is the Senior Content Editor for ChurchLeaders and Site Manager for ChristianNewsNow. An undeserving husband to a beautiful wife, and a father to 4 beautiful children. He serves as the chairman of the deacons, a growth group leader, and is a member of University Baptist Church in Beavercreek, Ohio. Follow him on twitter here (https://twitter.com/jessetjackson). Accredited member of the Evangelical Press Association.

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