Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 10 Ideas for Meeting Your Neighbors

10 Ideas for Meeting Your Neighbors

Each of us has neighbors. Even in the most rural parts of the world, there are still people who one would consider a neighbor, though they live a mile or two away. Neighborhoods house the most intimate parts of our lives, as they house our homes. Whether a neighborhood is found in a street of condo buildings, a suburban sprawl, or a rural farming community, we each live in a neighborhood.

Although neighborhoods hold the most intimate of spaces, our homes, they can be the most isolating places. We have garage door openers so we go straight into our houses without even a hello to the person living next door. We have elevators filled with awkward silences as it is in the U.S. socially unacceptable to start up a conversation in an elevator. We walk with our heads down to get the mail. We ignore the fact that within, usually feet, there are people living incredible lives filled with hopes, dreams and stories that could inspire. But how do you get to know them in a world where privacy is fought for at all costs? Where people are afraid of strangers? And where it is no longer okay to go up to a person cold and start a conversation?

Over the past years of my life, I’ve made it my goal to always know the people who live on my block, on my floor, or in the businesses around me. I believe as Jesus tells us to love our neighbors, we are to do so in both a physical and metaphorical sense. We are to love the people around us as well as the people we meet as we are walking down the street. Any more, our neighbors are people we come across on the Internet or in business around the world. We live in a time where literally the entire world is at our fingertips and could be considered our neighbors. (But that is blog for another time.)

So how do we get to meet our physical neighbors? Those people who live within a close proximity to us? Below are a few suggestions. They involve some creative thinking, bravery, and security. Not everyone is going to want to know you, but don’t let that stop you! Work to build relationships through time and trust. Also, be aware that you will have an excuse why you can’t do just about any of these for this or that reason. Logic often leads a person to leaving people be because we don’t like to be uncomfortable. For this to work, we have to silence the rebuttal and bravely love with action and honest interest in the people around us.