Groups should be “missional.”
While there are many definitions of the term, one thing seems to be an expectation of any group that is being missional, meeting the needs of and caring for those who are not in the group and/or live near where the group meets.
Below you’ll find five gospel-centered acts almost any group can do together, things that will not only create a substantial bond between group members when carried out, but will also exhibit the love of Christ.
1. Find out if there is a single mom living near where the group meets. Pool the group’s resources and pay for her to get a makeover or a massage.
If she’s open to it, babysit for her while she’s gone. If she won’t allow your group to watch her children, pay for the babysitter of her choosing.
2. Surprise a widow or widower living in the neighborhood where the group meets by mowing, trimming and cleaning up his or her lawn.
3. When the local high school has a prom, pool your resources and anonymously pay for some girl whose parents can’t afford for her to have the makeover, clothes, etc. … that other girls will get.
Pay for her entire prom experience.
4. When someone in the neighborhood where the group meets, a nonbeliever whom someone knows, is sick, take dinner to the family at least two days.
5. When Easter rolls around, the group could host an Easter Egg Hunt for the entire neighborhood.