Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 6 Ways To Pray When It Doesn’t Seem Like It’s Working

6 Ways To Pray When It Doesn’t Seem Like It’s Working

But how?

Let me push pause for a second and say, if you are personally in a really good place, great! But please know that many of your brothers and sisters who lead are struggling. Find them. Encourage them. Pray for them. Pray with them.

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6 Ways To Pray When It Doesn’t Seem Like It’s Working

1) Be honest with God.

Be honest with God about your concerns, your true emotions, especially if your prayers don’t seem to be getting through.

That’s the beginning of prayer in tough times and spiritual breakthroughs.

God will meet you where you’re at. You might be overwhelmed, overworked, bewildered, may be discouraged. But, God will meet you in your honesty.

Or it might be a bunch of little things, but the cumulative effect is unrelenting and therefore exhausting.

Jesus knows what you feel; He’s felt it too; when you are honest, you connect with His Spirit in a way that you sense it. You may still wonder about the outcomes of prayer, but you know He is with you.

2) Believe that God can move the mountain you need moved.

There are times when our faith is challenged; we pray for the miracle but allow our human interpretation of the situation to dull our faith. Lord, teach us to pray with great faith.