Home Pastors Becoming a Multi-Generational Parent

Becoming a Multi-Generational Parent

multi-generational parent

A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children. (Proverbs 13:22)

Question: Is it possible that we are in a sense parenting our grandchildren and great-grandchildren by the way we parent our own children now? Is it possible that our life and the decisions associated with it will have a ripple effect upon multiple generations to come?

If it’s true that the choices we make in our families today affect future generations tomorrow, then yes, it’s not only possible, it’s inevitable.

It’s amazing how much can be lost in just one generation. Take for example our own nation a generation or two ago, and consider this as it pertains to moral issues in our society today. In just the last decade or two of one generation, the pendulum has swung so far, more than possibly in any other time frame of history.

And we can count on it, that the ripples of today will seem more like waves in the future generations for our children and grandchildren. God’s Word has already told us this (2 Timothy 3). And while this certainly does not mean that we are without hope, it should raise awareness for us as parents.

When we only think about the moment we’re in, we miss the point of the bigger picture. The enemy is playing for keeps, and he knows the power of each generation.

Whether it be as a nation, a church, or a family, for us to ever think that we are the only ones whose lives are affected by our current choices is not only naive, but foolish.

So with every decision we make, we must also consider its long-term consequences for generations to come. We must ask ourselves the question, “How will this impact my children’s children and beyond?” Because our parenting will outlive us whether we realize it or not.

As parents, we can’t afford to just think in generalities. We must think in generations. 

We have to intentionally choose to be a multi-generational parent. (Psalm 78:1-7)

So What Does a Multi-Generational Parent Look Like?

Here are a few ideas.

1 – A multi-generational parent relies upon the promised power of prayer more than on the power of their personal parenting.