Life is full of questions. We contend with questions all the time because unlike God, we are finite and lack exhaustive knowledge of what is before us. Questions are especially hard when we are walking through a difficult season and we want to know when and if the season will end.
Recording artist Matt Hammitt recently released his song “He Always Wins” and in the following video asks the important question: “Do I really believe that God always wins?”
Hammitt reflectively asks, “do I really believe that God always wins… even in our sin… in sickness… and in death?” This can be hard to believe, let alone feel, with our emotions. Fortunately, we have help in dealing with this tension through God’s word.
In the book of Genesis, we can read the account of the patriarch Joseph who was very acquainted with hardship and betrayal. Joseph suffered from the jealous ridicule of his brothers, left in a well in the desert, and sold into slavery. In spite of these significant challenges, God’s purposes were never thwarted, and it was Joseph’s trust in God’s purposes that allowed him to say: “Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done in the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
Joseph was able to see that his personal trial was accomplishing far more than he could have imagined. May this encouragement from Matt Hammitt help you persevere in whatever trial you may be experiencing.