Mark Batterson serves as lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington, DC. NCC is focused on reaching emerging generations and meets in theaters throughout the DC metro area. NCC also owns and operates the largest coffeehouse on Capitol Hill. Mark holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Regent University and is the New York Times bestselling author of 11 books, including The Circle Maker and his newest release, Play the Man. Mark is married to Lora and they live on Capitol Hill with their three children: Parker, Summer, and Josiah.
Key Questions:
How did you come to the seven virtues of manhood you’ve laid out in your book?
How have we missed the mark on how Jesus modeled manhood?
What advice do you have for fathers with children still in their homes? Grown and out of the house already?
What practical ideas do you have for pastors seeking to equip the men in their churches to be men?
Key Quotes:
“Thank God for youth pastors, but it’s not their job to disciple my kid. That’s my job as a father.”
“I define tough love as letting seven-inch spikes go through your hands and your feet. It’s willing to sacrifice your life for someone else. Jesus sets the example; he is the ultimate tough guy, if you will.”
“Most pastors have more vision for their church than they do for their family.”
“God created us male and female for a reason, and I think those differences ought to be celebrated. But we live in a culture where there’s almost a blurring of the line or a little bit of confusion.”
“I want to be famous in my home, and to me success is when those who know you best respect you most.”
“There was a physical toughness and a mental toughness to the person of Jesus.”
“If the church doesn’t have enough vision, I’ll tell you what happens: We create problems to keep us busy.”
“What I’m calling for is a holy use of testosterone.”
“I think we try to tame people in the name of Christ because it’s safer, it’s easier.”
“Jesus basically spent three years hiking, camping, and fishing with 12 guys.”
“Don’t just be a father—be a spiritual father.”
Mentioned in the Show:
Play the Man: Becoming the Man God Created You to Be
Mark Batterson: Advancing God’s Kingdom and Helping Your People Chase Bigger Dreams