Rusty George: Pastors Need Community

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


Rusty George is the Lead Pastor at Real Life Church in Southern California; a multi-site church with campuses in Canyon Country, Valencia and a large online community. Under Rusty’s lead, Real Life has become one of the fastest growing churches in America–growing by 111% in 2011 alone.

Key Questions for Rusty George:

– Why do pastors tend to isolate themselves?
Can pastors be truly vulnerable with members of their church?
– How much should pastors share about their work with their spouse?

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Key Quotes from Rusty George:

“The first step to ending isolation is to admit we need community.”

“If there was anyone who had the right to say “everyone else is an idiot”, it was Jesus…but  he continued to serve them.”

“The problem is we only look for people who are way ahead of us who can help us get to the where they are or those who are way below us because it makes us feel better about who we are.”

“The question we ask is ‘who’s desiring to be our friends’ and those are typically the one we avoid…the problem is sometimes people sidle up to you because you are the pastor.”

“There are some people that go to God on your behalf and there are others who go to you on God’s behalf. I stay away from the latter.”

“Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. We go out on stage, we teach and then we hide out in our office and complain that no one wants to get to know us.”

“Practice vulnerability put yourself in position where you are shaking hands and let that lead to a lunch and let that lead to a dinner.”

“One of the difficulty of hiring friends is you no longer get to download some of the staff issues with them because they’re no on the staff.”

“When I stopped entrusting myself to God but entrusted myself to those in my church, that is when their opinion of me is where I found my identity. That’s only a job for my heavenly father.”

“Tell your story, share your pain, be vulnerable. You’ll be hurt again but it’s worth the journey.”

Leadership Pain

Better Together

Rusty George on ChurchLeaders:

Your Pastor Is a Sinner

Jesus, Islam and Ramadan

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Jason Daye
Jason serves as the Chief Strategy Officer at PastorServe, a ministry committed to strengthening the Church by serving pastors through personal coaching and church consulting. He also hosts FrontStage BackStage, a podcast and YouTube show, that helps pastors embrace healthy, well-balanced leadership as they develop a sustainable rhythm for life and ministry. Prior to joining the PastorServe team, Jason served as Vice President of Ministry Mobilization at Outreach, Inc., and as the Executive Director of the National Back to Church Sunday movement. Additionally, Jason served for nearly two decades in pastoral leadership, primarily as a lead pastor, in several contexts, including church plant re-launch, multisite church, multiethnic urban church, and an established suburban church. His experience as a lead pastor has provided numerous opportunities to coach and mentor pastors across the country. Jason and his beautiful wife, Monica, are the proud parents of six children and live on Anastasia Island, Florida. @jasondaye

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