Justin Moxley: The Critical Need to Plant More Churches

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Justin Moxley is the Partnership Development Executive for Stadia, an organization that helps church planters. Growing up in a rural church, serving in a mega church and leading a new church, Justin has been involved in nearly all aspects of the church and church planting. Justin is on the teaching team of his local church, has served as an adjunct professor and currently serves on the board of a local non-profit. He has been married to Tiffany for over 23 years, has a son Zane and a daughter Savannah. He loves the beach, Kansas City BBQ, and watching his kids play college soccer.

Key Questions for Justin Moxley

– Recently some research was released about church plants. What do we learn from this research?

– Why plant a church instead of try to grow an established church? What do church plants offer that is unique from other churches?

– How can a church know if they’re ready to plant another church or another site?

Key Quotes from Justin Moxley

“I think church planting is just about as hard as it has ever been in the history of the U.S.”

“For years the closure rate of churches was about 3,700 a year, and they’re anticipating that that number will move to about 5,500. All the while, there’s going to be probably another 100 million people that will come to the U.S. in the next seven years, either through birth or immigration. So the need continues to grow and grow and grow.”

“We need to be planting about 8,100 churches per year just to keep up with the population and the closure rates.”

“Of the new churches that Stadia serves, 42 percent of the attendance of those churches is made up of first time believers.”

“There’s a difference between being burdened and being called and equipped by God to [plant churches].”

“Every one of us should be a part of church planting. The question is what role should we play?”

“There are new expressions of the church that constantly need to be telling the true, same Gospel story, just in a way that [unchurched people] can understand and that they can grasp.”

“Churches that are under the age of 10 are 2.3 times more likely to plant a campus or a church than churches that are over 10 years old. Just like new Christians reach new Christians, new churches plant new churches.”

Mentioned in the Show:

Pinetops Report
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Exponential Conference
Latest Multisite Trends Report

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Jason Daye
Jason serves as the Chief Strategy Officer at PastorServe, a ministry committed to strengthening the Church by serving pastors through personal coaching and church consulting. He also hosts FrontStage BackStage, a podcast and YouTube show, that helps pastors embrace healthy, well-balanced leadership as they develop a sustainable rhythm for life and ministry. Prior to joining the PastorServe team, Jason served as Vice President of Ministry Mobilization at Outreach, Inc., and as the Executive Director of the National Back to Church Sunday movement. Additionally, Jason served for nearly two decades in pastoral leadership, primarily as a lead pastor, in several contexts, including church plant re-launch, multisite church, multiethnic urban church, and an established suburban church. His experience as a lead pastor has provided numerous opportunities to coach and mentor pastors across the country. Jason and his beautiful wife, Monica, are the proud parents of six children and live on Anastasia Island, Florida. @jasondaye

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