Erwin McManus is an iconoclast, artist, and cultural thought leader known for his integration of creativity and spirituality. He is the founder and Lead Pastor of Mosaic, a Los Angeles based church of faith recognized as one of America’s most influential and innovative churches.
Key Questions for Erwin McManus
– How have you learned to communicate with intimacy and connectedness?
– Why do you think so many pastors are struggling with inner peace?
– How do we seek healing in the midst of ministry?
Key Quotes from Erwin McManus
“If you want to be a better communicator, speak to audiences that disagree with you.”
“I don’t know if I’ve ever seen so many pastors committing suicide.”
“If we could just pull back the curtain, I think there are an overwhelming number of pastors who are barely making it through the day. They’re not being hypocritical or deceptive; they’re preaching what they hope could be true for them, too. But they can’t find a way to make it real.”
“If you’re spending all your energy hiding what you’re struggling with, you won’t have any energy to fight what you’re struggling with.”
“If you look at Christianity, a lot of our history has a lot of magic in it. Because what ended up happening is we took on Christian language and Christian phrases and Christian slogans and we taught each other that if we say these things, then everything gets better.”
“If a real solution was ‘just claim peace,’ which is what everyone seems to say, well then it should be really easy, but is that any different than ‘abracadabra’?”
“Your belief in the doctrine of the trinity is not going to heal the emotional scarring of feeling abandoned or neglected or even abused as a child.”
“There are pastors who know Greek and Hebrew and are ending their lives.”
“We have to accept the fact that peace isn’t magic, and you can love Jesus and still be struggling profoundly with inner peace.”
“The battle of the inner world doesn’t play by the same rules as the battle of the outer world.”
“If it took you 25 years to get broken, don’t expect Jesus to heal you in 25 seconds.”
“You aren’t going to limit God by owning your weakness.”
“There’s a human experiment that’s been taking place for several thousand years, to see if we can actually create a world defined by peace without God. And we’ve failed miserably. Ironically, even religious have failed to create a world of peace.”
“Peace is like a phantom pain. We wouldn’t have phantom pain for peace unless we were designed for peace, unless there was a source of peace, unless our inception came from peace. That’s what points me back to God.”
“War is human history. Peace is God’s history. God’s reputation has been tainted by his refusal to give up on us.”
“God is warring for peace but he entered into our violence. So you look at the cross, you look at Jesus on the cross, and it becomes this tragically perfect intersection of the human story of violence and the story of the God of peace. And God fights the war unfairly. Instead of trying to overpower us, he surrenders himself to us, is crucified, so through his death we have life. This is the most unexpected battle strategy that humanity has ever known. God wins the war by losing it.”
“It is never too late to begin the life you’ve always longed for. It’s never too late to find the peace you’ve always longed for.”
Mentioned in the Show:
Erwin McManus on ChurchLeaders:
Erwin McManus: You Need to Tell Death and Fear to Get Behind You
Erwin McManus: We Have More Confidence in What We Have Than What We Hope For
Erwin McManus: Why Real Leaders Shape the Future
The Barbarian Way
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