Matt Brown is an evangelist, author, and founder of Think Eternity. Along with his wife, Michelle, and the staff and volunteers of Think Eternity, millions of people are impacted with the gospel each year online and through live events. Matt and Think Eternity also minister to more than two million followers on social media daily. Matt and Michelle live in Minnesota with their three children.
Key Questions for Matt Brown
– What is your perspective on the voice of the church right now?
– How do you think the church needs to change the way it is speaking to the culture?
– What does the Bible tell us about engaging culture?
Key Quotes from Matt Brown
“Patience and self-control are integral to keep the rest of the fruit of the Spirit in your life.”
“In the noise of culture, we can’t just speak truth louder. We need to love louder, too.”
“The truth of God’s word and the truth of the Gospel has Holy Spirit power.”
“I know I’m not alone in this—I know just about anybody listening to this who’s in ministry in any form has been hurt by somebody.”
“If we’re going to be passionate about truth, we’ve got to remember that love, compassion, kindness, grace, that those are truths of God’s word as well. Those are very biblical commands to us.”
“How is the world supposed to see the grace of God if the people of God aren’t gracious to each other and to those outside the church?”
“Let me add this stipulation: It doesn’t mean we need to agree on everything. Unity doesn’t mean uniformity.”
“We need to be careful about how we disagree with each other, and careful about how we might argue over what we feel is the truth, and careful about how we present the hard truths of God’s word.”
“We’re the first generation of believers to have this online megaphone.”
“I believe God wants to move in our generation, he wants to move in our country, he wants to move in our world, he wants to use all of us who are leaders in the church to set the tone, to set the pace, and to step up to walk in those things.”
“We can’t fully express love to people around us until our love cup is getting filled up by the Lord.”
Mentioned in the Show:
Truth Plus Love: The Jesus Way to Influence by Matt Brown
The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges
Matt Brown on Twitter
Matt Brown on Instagram
Matt Brown on ChurchLeaders:
Matt Brown: Are We on the Brink of Revival?
3 Times Jesus Modeled How We Should Treat Sinners
Why Attending Church Is So Important
Don’t Say God Is Silent With Your Bible Closed
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