I get asked certain questions on a regular basis. One of the most frequent is, “What does a small group leader job description for a small group director (or pastor) look like?” Today I want to give you the basics, but I want to be sure and qualify it by acknowledging this is by no means complete, and I’m sure some of my grouplife peers would have a different take.
4 Essentials for a Small Group Leader Job Description
1. Create and oversee a leader development concept that helps “test-drive” hosts become leaders over time.
This will include:
- Communication strategies
- On-site, decentralized and web-based leader development opportunities
- Coaching
2. Recruit and develop a team of coaches sufficient to care for the number of leaders in the organization.
3. Work with the senior pastor and other staff to develop the church-wide strategies surrounding grouplife.
This includes:
- Annual church-wide campaigns
- Connection events
- Mid-size events forming steps that lead to grouplife
4. Design, implement and manage strategies that make it easy to join a group.
This includes:
- Website content and groupfinder capability
- Periodic church-wide emails with easy-to-use click-to-join opportunities
- A lobby presence designed to make it easy to get information
Note: Depending on the size of your church, some items on this small group leader job description might be delegated to other members of a small group ministry team. Additionally, depending on the experience and expertise of the small group pastor, a strategic outsider can sometimes provide the perfect complement to an energetic but less experienced staff member.
One of my most common roles as a consultant is to provide the strategic elements while coaching a staff member in day-to-day responsibilities. You can find out more about my consulting and coaching programs right here.
This article on developing a small group leader job description originally appeared here, and is used by permission.