New to Leading a Small Group? Read This

New to Leading a Small Group? Read This


Small groups can be completely life-transforming—communities where followers of Jesus build godly friendships, share with honesty and transparency, and put their theology into action.

However, starting a small group gathering can feel daunting, maybe even impossible, for those new to leadership. How often have you asked someone to lead a small group only to hear a response like, “Oh, I could never do that,” or, “I don’t feel qualified for such an important task”?

Here are some of our best resources for people who are new to leading small groups. Share these practical tips and insights with them, both to ease their transition into leadership and to help equip them for long-term success.

The 10 Best Icebreaker Questionsby Jim Egli

After a hectic week of ups and downs, it can be hard to jump right into deep Bible discussion or life-sharing. “Icebreaker questions, whether shallow or deep, goofy or profound, all have potential to help people to relax, learn to know one another better, and get ready for a great small group meeting.”

7 Tips for Leading Worship in Small Groups, by Rick Muchow

Don’t worry if you’re not the next Chris Tomlin or Kari Jobe! One of the most powerful ways your group can grow together is through worship. These real-world tips for leading worship through songs will help rookies and seasoned vets alike.

52 Ideas for Fellowship in Your Small Group, by Josh Hunt

Your group doesn’t always have to meet in the same place. In fact, one of the best ways to build friendship is through shared activities, including service, spiritual growth and just plain fun.

The Absolute Best Discussion Question You Can Ask in Small Group, by Tim Thornborough

Tim includes five ways to craft great discussion questions, but you will definitely want to read the two simple words that can change your small group forever.

5 Myths About Introverts in Small Groups, by Amy Jackson

If you’re a leader, having introverts in your group can be a confounding mystery. Learning to appreciate the benefits of having all introverts in your small group will depend on dispelling a few common myths about them. For example, did you know that introversion is not the same thing as shyness?

The Single Most Important Thing in Leading a Small Group, by Jim Egli

These insights from a survey of over 1,800 small group leaders will revolutionize how you lead your group. Leaders who do this have groups that grow significantly faster.

7 Words of Encouragement for Small Group Leaders, by Rick Howerton

Leading small groups is, of course, very rewarding—but it can also be tiring at times. If you are a small group pastor (or a member of a small group), these seven phrases can be a breath of fresh air to your leaders. As Howerton notes, “A word of encouragement that is personal, genuine and spoken while looking into the eyes of a small-group leader will build relational equity and will motivate a small group leader in ways few other actions will.”

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Daniel So
Daniel has been an editor with ChurchLeaders for several years. Daniel and his wife, along with an incredible team, helped plant Anchor City Church in San Diego—a third culture, multi-generational church who seeks to join the redemptive mission of God for our city and for the world. Daniel also serves on the advisory board of Justice Ventures International, a non-profit organization working to fight human trafficking and modern-day slavery around the world.

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