bible reading
Christian News
‘The Bible Recap’ Is the No. 1 Podcast in All Categories
"The Bible Recap" (TBR), a short, daily podcast that follows a chronological Bible reading plan, is now the No. 1 podcast in All Categories on Apple Podcasts.
Articles for Small Group Leaders
Reading the Bible Together in Small Groups
When you read the Bible together in small groups, give them something to look for. Here are a couple of go-to examples for reading the Bible together.
8 Ways To Maximize Bible Impact Upon Your Life
Willow Creek’s Reveal survey of several thousand churches revealed not a silver bullet, but the number one catalyst that believers said contributed most to their growth: Bible reading and reflection.
Articles for Worship & Creative
7 Tips To Make Reading the Bible Easier
Learn to let God's Word increase your joy and satisfaction in God.
Christian News
‘It’s a Great Way To Start Your Day’—Actress Patricia Heaton Reflects on Reading the Bible in a Year
Over the weekend, actress Patricia Heaton took to Twitter to celebrate a milestone accomplishment that is a perennial goal for Christians of all tribes and traditions: she read through the entire Bible in one year.
Christian News
NBA Superstar Steph Curry Shares Why He Reads the Bible to His Children
NBA star Steph Curry recently shared how his parents helped shape his faith by reading the Bible to him when he was younger, expressing that this is why he now reads the Bible to his own children.
Articles for Youth Leaders
Bible Apps for Teens: Help Kids Connect With Scripture
As you encourage teenagers to dive into their Bibles, consider leveraging some new approaches. For this high-tech generation, Bible apps for teens can be a helpful tool.
Outreach Leaders
10 Ways to Start the Day Well for God
I’ll be honest—I’m faithful to read and pray each day, but I don’t have a set time to accomplish these tasks. That doesn’t mean, though, that I don’t think about how I start the day. Maybe these suggestions will help you.