
small group leadership

5 Things to Do in January to Connect More People in the New Year

Take these steps in January at the start in order to connect more people in small groups throughout the year.

The Power of Vision

What inspires a leader to give his or her life to a particular goal? The power of vision is what makes a leader great. In fact, visionless leaders aren't leaders at all—they're managers.

A Simple but Radical Shift in Small Group Formats

A paradigm shift is a fundamental change that radically changes how we approach and do things. I've recently gone through a small group paradigm shift regarding small group formats.

16 Small Group Roles to Share Ownership With Everyone

One of the best ways to make your small group more healthy and exciting is to share ownership with everyone through small group roles. 

From Saddleback: Is Your Pastor in a Small Group?

Is your pastor in a small group? At Saddleback we believe a pastor must be in a small group. You need to show your congregation that small groups are so important for spiritual growth that even you belong to one.

3 Essentials to Building Gospel Community in Small Groups

Gospel Community is a Christian buzzword, usually referring to a group of Christ followers that care for one another, but the scriptures expand on this definition to cast a vision for community that can truly change the world.

5 Great Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Small Group Leaders

Mike Mack provides some great Christmas gift ideas for your coaches and small group leaders this holiday season.

6 Keys to Small Group Leader Growth

Small group leader growth is essential to healthy small group ministry. Here are six ways to make sure you are getting better as a leader, so then everybody wins.