Christian News
Study Shows How ‘COVID-19 World’ Impacts Bible Engagement…and It’s Not Good
Research from Barna and the American Bible Society for the "State of the Bible 2020” has found that Americans’ engagement with Scripture has suffered significantly over the course of the pandemic.
Andy Stanley: Why I Stopped Saying ‘The Bible Says’ When I Preach
Andy Stanley unpacks his reasoning for eliminating phrases such as "the Bible says" from his preaching in order to reach the younger generations and return to a New Testament model of evangelism.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
What the Bible Teaches About Hell
When considering the doctrine of hell, we first need to acknowledge that hell is a biblical teaching. That is true whether or not we like or agree with what the Bible says.
Articles for Pastors
38 Results of Being an Evil Leader
Many times, a person who is an evil leader seems to consistently come out on top. But what are the true consequences for a leader who is evil?
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Why Do Some People Love Jesus, but Do Not Like the Bible?
Many people love Jesus but not the Bible...at least that's what they think. But maybe the reason they don't study the Bible is they've created a Jesus out of their own imaginations.