Jason Sobel grew up in a Jewish family in New Jersey and has spent much of his life in pursuit of truth and connection with God. After he encountered the Lord, he found his purpose as a Jewish follower of Jesus. Jason is the founder of Fusion Global, a ministry that seeks to bring people into the full inheritance of the faith by connecting treasures of the old and the new. He is the co-author with Kathie Lee Gifford of the New York Times best-seller, The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi: My Journey into the Heart of Scriptural Faith and the Land Where It All Began. His newest book, entitled Mysteries of the Messiah: Unveiling Divine Connections from Genesis to Today, is available now.
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Key Questions for Jason Sobel
-How did you come to put your faith in Jesus?
-Why do you value the mysteriousness of God, and why is that quality so important in our journey with him?
-Why do many people not appreciate how the Old Testament and New Testament fit together? How can church leaders help people deepen their appreciation for the connection between the testaments?
-Do you have any cautions for pastors as they try to make connections between the Old and New Testaments?
Key Quotes from Jason Sobel:
“I lost most of my family during the Holocaust, so being Jewish was something that was really important.”
“I had this encounter with this King, high and lifted up in this glorious light, and I didn’t know anything about Jesus, but I knew that was him sitting on that throne, and he told me I was called to serve him. Now, I had no idea what that meant, for a Jewish kid from New Jersey to serve Jesus.”
“I was blown away by how Jewish [the New Testament] was.”
“I gave my life to him, and I was completely transformed…it’s been a crazy journey.”
“There has been a loss of wonder…We have to restore this wonder and this mystery.”
“I like to describe the Scriptures as an ocean. It’s shallow enough that anyone can wade in it and enjoy, but it’s so deep that you can never plumb the depths of it.”