Professional Development Is Too Important To Avoid or Postpone

professional development
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I packed up our team and got there to find a total attendance of 30 people. The event was held in a church auditorium that had room for 1,200 people. Organizers had advertised the event well and had made lots of calls. But hardly anyone showed up.

Keep Learning and Growing as Youth Leaders

The brightest people I know in the youth ministry world are the ones that read the most. They take every opportunity to learn more and to engage in professional development. If we’re serious about growing as church leaders, that starts with admitting we don’t know it all.

So much quality training is out there for youth ministers and youth volunteers. Please take advantage of it!

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Geoff Stewart
Geoff Stewart is the Jr/Sr Highschool Pastor at Peace Portal Alliance Church. He loves teaching, writing, and equipping Youth Ministry leaders. Stewart, his wife, and two cats (Norman and Puff Daddy) live in a suburb of Vancouver B.C. called Surrey. You can follow Geoff's daily musings at

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