Who is Jesus? That’s a key question for any youth group to explore. This Bible study for youth explores Jesus’ identity as the Word of God. Use it with your teenagers so they can answer confidently when someone asks them who is Jesus.
Bible Study for Youth: Who Is Jesus?
You’ll need:
- a countdown timer (a phone app, stopwatch, egg timer, etc.)
- a large flipchart or whiteboard for taking notes
- colored markers or pens
- enough printed copies of Isaiah 53 for each student
Begin your discussion by describing this open-ended scene. A freak weather vortex has sent sharks and other dangerous sea creatures—giant squid, angler fish, krakens, and narwhals—hurtling through the sky. They’re devastating everything in their path and ushering in a new apocalyptic era. The only way you can survive this aquatic attack is to quickly evacuate to the safety of indestructible land-based shark cages that are hidden in the mountains. Because space is limited, you’re allowed to bring only three items with you.
Then ask:
• What three items would you take with you? Explain.
• If you did or didn’t choose the Bible, explain why.
Say something like: I think the Bible is more important to surviving in this world than we often realize.
Ask a volunteer to read aloud 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Then ask:
• Based on this passage, what’s “useful” about the Bible?
• Okay, besides a storm of dangerous aquatic creatures, how has the Bible been a source of help and hope for you in facing other issues in your life?
• Most English translations of this passage say that Scripture is “God-breathed.” What do you think that means?
Say something like: The Bible is often called the “Word” of God. Basically, that means that the Bible represents God’s “voice” to us. But the “Word” also has a double meaning.
Ask: If someone were to ask you what the Bible is about, what would you tell them? Explain.
Recruit someone who can write quickly to take notes on your flipchart or whiteboard. Then pull out your countdown timer.
Say something like: Okay, you have two minutes to call out everything you know that’s in the Bible. Brainstorm all the stories, special verses, and key ideas that come to your mind. Ready? Go!
Encourage your kids by looking back over the notes that were recorded. Then ask:
• What’s something missing from this list that we must include?
• Taking everything into consideration, what’s the main thing God wants to communicate to us through his Word, the Bible?