Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders Interactive Bible Studies for Youth: 11 Options to Engage Teens

Interactive Bible Studies for Youth: 11 Options to Engage Teens

interactive Bible studies for youth

Using active and interactive Bible studies for youth is a great way to keep teens engaged while they learn God’s truths. Lecture-type sermons have never been a big hit with high school kids. That’s especially true in the digital age, which has led to shortened attention spans. Getting listeners involved with the message is key to life application and life change.

By using interactive Bible studies for youth, you aren’t sacrificing the message. Instead, you’re leveraging new ways to present God’s Word and make it relevant to teenagers’ lives.

Interactive doesn’t need to mean high tech. At its core, it means your youth group and small-group participants are talking, brainstorming, questioning, and growing. So encourage kids to interact with each other—and with Jesus—through interactive Bible studies for youth. We’ve assembled a variety of options to help you get started.

11 Interactive Bible Studies for Youth

Check out the wide range of active and interactive lesson ideas for youth groups.

1. Bible Adventures for Teens

Escape rooms are super popular. So take advantage of the trend to add adventure to youth meetings and Bible studies. Lots of creative youth ministers post tips and teen-friendly puzzles online.

2. Rep the Role

Teens love exploring identities, so let them step into the shoes of Bible characters. Use mini dramas and role-play scenarios to explore the actions and reactions of Old Testament and New Testament people.

3. Prayer Stations for Interactive Impact

Incorporate active prayer into your youth gatherings with these outside-the-box ideas. They’re great for showing teens that we can talk (and listen) to God in a wide variety of ways.

4. More Bible Activities for Teens

We love these suggestions, including Bible Jeopardy, Biblical 20 Questions, and Bible Jigsaw. Adding elements of fun and surprise to youth group activities keeps kids coming. Plus, word will spread that your church is a great place for teens to gather and grow!

5. Lively Leaders

Here’s a helpful list of tips, including a reminder to let students lead. Ask teens for their ideas, and then let them run with them.