Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders Sunday School Games for Youth That Lead to Laughter & Learning

Sunday School Games for Youth That Lead to Laughter & Learning

Sunday school games for youth

Sunday school games for youth don’t need to be complicated or even sophisticated. Bring out the inner child in teenagers by playing these games with your youth group. These Sunday school games for youth are easy and quick yet high-impact and memorable!

8 Sunday School Games for Youth

The following ministry games are designed for children. But with some adaptation, several could be a lot of fun with youth! All the games are excerpted from Wiggle Tamers (Group, 1995) and Fidget Busters (Group, 1992) by Jolene Roehlkepartain. As she explains, when a class takes a break for a structured, movement-filled game, kids get their wiggles out. Plus, then they have more focus and attention on the lesson.

8 Games for Sunday School or Youth Group

Enjoy playing these Sunday school games for youth!

1. Balloon Grab

You’ll need 17 balloons: four yellow, four green, four blue, one orange, and four red.

  • Inflate the balloons. Place all the balloons — except for the orange one — in the middle of the room or field. Keep the orange balloon near you.
  • Say: I’m going to name a color. If you see a balloon that color on the ground, grab it and run all around with it. If you can’t grab one, follow someone who has that color balloon. Then when I name another color, everyone is to drop their balloons and grab the color balloon I named. Again, if you can’t grab one, follow someone who has that color balloon.
  • Start by naming yellow. Then after a minute or so name a different color. Repeat the activity five or six times. End by naming all the colors.
  • Then say: Orange! Grab your orange balloon and hold it high. Say: Now follow me as we go back to our lesson!

2. Broken Dishes

You’ll need a paper plate for each child.

  • Give each child a paper plate, then have the children skip around the room while holding onto their plates. Whenever you say, “Broken dishes,” have the children drop their plates and shout “uh-oh!” Then have children pretend to clean up the mess. After they pick up their plates, let them continue to skip until you call out “Broken dishes” again.
  • Repeat the activity three or four times. Then say: Let’s set the table back at our lesson to find out what’s cooking.
  • Have children take their plates back to your lesson area to place neatly on the floor or table before you continue with the lesson.

3. Jelly Bean Roll

You’ll need a bag of jelly beans.

  • On one side of the room, have the children kneel side
 by side in a line. Place a jelly bean in front of each child.
  • Say: When I say “go,” roll your jelly bean across the room using only your nose. Remember, you can’t touch the jelly bean with your hands. Ready? Go!
  • Allow kids several minutes to roll their jelly beans.
  • Then say: Let’s roll our jelly beans back to our lesson where I’ll trade a clean, yummy jelly bean for your dirty one.

4. Peanut Butter

  • Say: It’s time for the Peanut Butter Game! When I say “go,” hop around the room. Whenever I say, “peanut butter,” stick to the people closest to you no matter how many there are. Then, when I say “jelly,” unstick yourselves and hop around the room again. Ready? Go!
  • Play four or five rounds.
  • Then say: Let’s sit down now so we can stick to our lesson.