HomeYouth Leaders

Youth Leaders

You Are the Light of the World: Meaning & Messaging

Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” What meaning does that have for his followers today?

Help Parents Help Their Kids With LGBT+ Questions

Rachel Gilson offers four steps church leaders can take towards providing the parents in their congregations with support on LGBT+ questions.

Youth Inclusion in Church Leadership Is a Smart Move

Youth inclusion in church leadership is essential. When teens and young adults are siloed, everyone loses.

Jordan River Baptism: Why That Trend Irks One Pastor

Discover why one pastor has a pet peeve about Jordan River baptism.

Youth Pastor and Parents Partnership: Listen Up, Moms & Dads!

A youth pastor and parents partnership is essential for successful youth ministry. Convey these 5 truths to parents of teens.

Street Ministry Ideas: Tips for Youth Evangelism and Outreach

Street ministry ideas let teens put feet to their faith. Use these tips and creative outreach ideas for youth groups.

How Did Methuselah Live for Hundreds of Years: Explore God’s Character

How did Methuselah live for hundreds of years? Consider this short reflection on the man who lived the longest.

Questions Leaders Should Ask Themselves: 10 Key Assessments

Discover 10 questions leaders should ask themselves. No matter the type of ministry you lead, these are vital to consider.

Biblical Perspective on Sports Ministry: Balancing Faith & Athletics

A biblical perspective on sports ministry looks at connections between faith and athletics. Discover 6 helpful Bible-based resources.

Sex Before Marriage in the Bible: Why Christians Should Wait

Teens may ask what it says about sex before marriage in the Bible. See what Scripture says about sexual purity.

Youth Group Movies: 10 PG-Rated Films To Watch With Kids

Youth group movies spark great discussions. These 10 PG films are appropriate for most ages.

Teens and Evangelism: Set the Pace!

One of the biggest takeaways is that teenagers who actively share the gospel have adults in their lives who consistently model evangelism.

Youth Group Lesson on Temptation: Teach Preteens to Resist Sin

Adapt this engaging youth group lesson on temptation for your preteen students.

Clean-Up Campaign Ideas for Youth: Help Teens Practice Their Serve

Clean-up campaign ideas help kids give back and serve in Jesus’ name.

How To Lead Youth Ministry: 7 Habits To Develop Now

These tips help youth leaders guide students into a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Bible Verses for Someone in the Hospital: Offer Hope From God’s Word

Bible verses for someone in the hospital are important to keep handy. Use these Scriptures when you visit a person who’s sick or injured.

Youth Ministry Launch Ideas: 6 Kickoff Tips for Churches

Do you need new youth ministry launch ideas? Discover 6 hot tips for a successful blastoff!

Missional Ministry: Best Practices for Fall and Beyond

Missional ministry is a year-round pursuit, and fall kickoff is a great reminder to be mission-minded.

Outreach Ideas for Youth: 8 Sources for Helping Kids Grow

Outreach ideas for youth, teens, and young adults offer powerful avenues for growth. Check out all these options!

Start the School Year With Purpose

As summer winds down and the days begin to shorten, there’s a shift in the air—the anticipation that marks the return to school.
christian apologist

‘I Debunk…Myself’—Christian Apologist Responds to Several Errors He Made When Talking...

Following his widely discussed interview on “The Joe Rogan Experience,” Christian apologist Wesley Huff published a short video “debunking” false statements he made during the conversation. 
Joby Martin

Joby Martin: What Happens When Pastors Finally Understand Grace

Joby Martin joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to discuss what happens when a church leader has truly been run over by the “grace train" and understands the profound love and grace of God.

Youth Leaders