Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders 12 Things I Wish I Could Tell Myself After High School Graduation

12 Things I Wish I Could Tell Myself After High School Graduation

The other side of the coin is you believe there is only one definition of fun. The thing about your definition of fun is that somebody always gets hurt, and it leads to destruction.

Be real with me. Is your life fun? Do you have peace? I know you go to bed feeling empty. You think there must be more to life. And you are right. But only God can fill your void.

I want to tell you, 18-year-old Frank, NOTHING in this life is more important than God. Love Him with all of your heart. Trust the 29-year-old version of you, He is worth it. He is the only path to life.

If you give your whole heart to him, you will see that following Jesus doesn’t rob you of fun. It actually increases fun.


18-year-old Frank, my comments are direct. But I didn’t travel back in time to sugar coat things. I want you experience the life God created for you. We are in this together. So, let’s make some changes. Let’s set a trajectory for this life that extends beyond this life into eternity. And, in the process, let’s leave a mark on this world by making Jesus famous. He is worth it!

I love you all. To God be the glory forever. Amen!