Parents’ Prayers for Children: 10 Ways to Lift Your Kids to God

Parents' prayers for children


Parents’ prayers for children are powerful and effective, yielding fruit both now and for eternity. But do you ever feel like you’re praying the same things over and over?

When it comes to our children or the kids in our children’s ministry programs, we may tend to pray on auto-pilot for their faith and for their physical health. Yes, those are definitely important topics to pray about! But parents and kidmin leaders can talk to God about so many other areas of children’s lives and hearts.

Parents’ prayers for children help moms and dads get to know their kids better. Most importantly, they shape children to love Jesus and to grow in their relationship with him.

To begin, consider these prayer-starter lines. Then add a few more of your own!

Parents’ Prayers for Children: 10 Ways to Begin

Dear Lord,

1. Realistic expectations

Help me not overwhelm my children or burden them with expectations that are unrealistic.

2. Loving discipline

Remind me that discipline is for children’s good—and to always administer it in love—not in anger or pure emotion.

3. Transparent yet appropriate

Keep me from dumping my adult problems on children. Yet help me be transparent enough for kids to learn from my mistakes.

4. Age-level insight

Help me remember my children’s current ages—and respond to them accordingly.

5. Teachable moments

Grant me teachable moments and prompt me to use them to impart uncompromising truth into my children’s lives.

6. Individual beings

Allow me to see each of my children as the individuals you created them to be. Help me encourage them to thrive in your plans and purpose for their life.

7. Home environment

Let children see our home as a safe, fun and welcoming environment.

8. Enjoying the moment

Continually remind me that time passes quickly. Help me slow down to embrace and enjoy each season.

9. Role modeling

Keep building my character so my children have a Godly model to follow.

10. Unconditional love

Above all, let my children know and experience unconditional love.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Ron Edmondson
Ron Edmondson is a pastor and church leader passionate about planting churches, helping established churches thrive, and assisting pastors and those in ministry think through leadership, strategy and life. Ron has over 20 years of ministry experience.

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