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Bible Lessons for Teens: 12 Resources About Forgiveness

Bible lessons for teens

The good news of the Gospel is that Jesus died for all our sins so we can live with him in heaven forever. But kids in your youth ministry still may feel the weight of their sins and temptations. That’s why Bible lessons for teens about forgiveness are so important.

Youth ministers and volunteers can frequently remind preteens and teens about repentance and the assurance of God’s complete forgiveness. Check out the 12 ideas below for teaching young people about the free gift of God’s grace. These forgiveness-themed Bible lessons for teens work well for youth group meetings, worship settings, camps, retreats, and more.

Use Scripture to let teenagers know that God not only forgives sins but totally erases them. Also discuss what God’s command to forgive others means for our day-to-day lives.

12 Bible Lessons for Teens on Forgiveness

1. Will God Forgive Me?

Sin leads to guilt, so teenagers may feel weighed down by their words, thoughts, and actions. Help them discover the good news that God forgives us completely and repeatedly. Young people shouldn’t doubt whether God wipes away any of their wrongdoing.

2. Are My Sins Too Big?

All humans are sinners, and in God’s eyes, all sins are equally bad. Although sin leads to death (Romans 3:23), Jesus’ death and resurrection offer justification and redemption (vs. 24).

3. Forgive and Forget?

Teens in your church’s youth group may know that God forgives their sins. But does God really forget them? And does he tell us to forget sins committed against us? Help kids discover what the Bible really says about these key topics.

4. Praying for Forgiveness

An important part of daily prayer involves asking God for forgiveness. Explore how to approach our heavenly Father regularly with a repentant, humble heart.

5. Messy Monarchs

Many Bible lessons on forgiveness for youth come directly from Old and New Testament stories. In this lesson, kids will find out that sin does have consequences, even though God forgives us.

6. Biblical Repentance

Take a deep dive into the concept of repentance. Help teens look at what that concept entails and how they can live it out in practical ways.