HomeChildren's Ministry Leaders

Children's Ministry Leaders

Go, Therefore, and Make Disciples

The call to make disciples isn’t a new one. It is as ancient as the Christian faith, given by Christ himself before his ascension into heaven.

Church Family Night Ideas for Children’s Ministry Outreach

Church family night ideas are a hit for community outreach and fun. Kids and parents will love these 10 events!

How To Lead Volunteers Who Are Older Than You

You can effectively lead volunteers who are older than you. Here are a few things I have learned over the years about leading when you are young.

Faithful Fridays: Help Parents Hold Weekly Devotions for Kids

Faithful Fridays lead to faith-filled families. Think of them as a meaningful family tradition that focuses on Bible reading, prayer, and spiritual growth.

Fruit of the Spirit Children’s Game About Overflowing Joy

Fruit of the Spirit activities teach children about Christian living. In this game, kids discover how our hearts overflow with joy from God.

7 Ways to Make Easter Extra Special for Young Families

Here are seven ways your church can set families up for success this Easter.

Sunday School Games About Friendship: 3 Fun Icebreakers

Sunday school games about friendship build an important social skill. When children make friends at church, they feel welcome and will be eager to return.

Preparing Your Kids for Artificial Intelligence

AI (Artificial Intelligence)—It’s the new buzzword. And it’s natural for our kids to be curious about it and all of it’s ever-increasing forms.

Easter Craft Highlights Jesus’ Resurrection and the Empty Tomb

For this Easter craft, children create mini Easter gardens. Kids retell the Easter story and celebrate that Jesus’ tomb was empty.

The Big Test To See How Strong Your Volunteer Team Is

Do you want to know how strong your volunteer team is? I have a simple, but profound way to measure the effectiveness of your volunteer team.

Politics and Parenting: Guiding Our Children Through 2024

It’s an election year in America. To pretend that it is not is a ridiculous notion. To pretend our children are unaware is just as silly.

Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors Sunday School Lesson for Kids

The Joseph and the coat of many colors Sunday school lesson is a hit with children. Use these 14 resources to teach the Bible account.

Encouragement for Children’s Ministry Volunteers: 20 Quotes to Share

Encouragement for children’s ministry volunteers builds up your team. So share these 20 quotes with the valuable helpers at your church!

10 Ways Parents Can Help Children Succeed Spiritually

Parents want to see their children succeed academically.  Socially.  Financially.  Athletically.  These are all well and good, but the most important area a parent can help their child succeed is to help children succeed spiritually.

Crafting Fun: Offer Engaging Activities for Children’s Worship

Crafting fun isn’t just busywork. Interactive worship activities like crafts help grow children’s faith.

Outreach Activity for St. Patrick’s Day: Feet That Bring Good News

Need an outreach activity for children's ministry? Then try this fun, meaningful St. Patrick's Day idea!

How To Partner With Parents in Your Children’s Ministry Each Week

Are you wondering how to partner with parents at your church? Then check out these 6 practical tips for partnering with moms and dads on a weekly basis.

Helmet of Salvation for Kids: 10 Armor of God Activities

Use these 10 ideas to teach Sunday school children about the helmet of salvation, a vital part of the armor of God.

5 Reasons Why Kids Can’t Remember What You Taught Last Month

Our goal should be to get the truth of God's Word embedded into the long-term memory of children and volunteers. This means kids can remember the main truth of the lesson long-term. Here are five reasons why kids can't remember what you taught last month.

Kindness Object Lesson for Sunday School: Help Kids Build People Up

In this Bible-based object lesson, kids explore the meaning of kindness as they build up and tear down block buildings.

Rebecca McLaughlin on Whether Christians Can Agree To Disagree About Same-Sex...

Dr. Rebecca McLaughlin joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to talk about how church leaders can respond to common arguments that use the Bible to affirm same-sex relationships, the “why” behind God’s design for marriage, and the “beautiful and glorious vision” Christianity has for friendship.

Children's Ministry Leaders