Teaching young children about Creation is a true delight. As Sunday school teachers describe how God spoke all things into existence, we can watch the awe in kids’ faces. We also might see the wheels in their heads start turning! Kids rightfully ponder: If God made everything, then who made God?
For Christians of all ages, the first two chapters of Genesis spark amazement plus loads of questions. Little learners are especially interested in how God was created (or “invented”), where God came from, who are God’s parents, and how old is God. As kidmin workers recount how God lovingly crafted people in his image and made us who we are, kids are likely to challenge you to explain who made God.
How will you respond when a child asks, “If God made us, who made God?” To help you prepare, check out this wide variety of lessons about Creation for Sunday school
Who Made God: 7 KidMin Lessons to Use
1. Days of Creation Game
This free printable game helps children learn about what God made on each day of Creation. Have fun while emphasizing that God carefully spoke everything into being—and declared it all very good.
2. Creation Mini-Book Printable
This fun-to-color craft is available in several Bible versions. Use it to teach kids that God, who has always existed, fashioned all things into being.
3. Creation Corner
At this site, you’ll find three Creation-themed lesson plans for kids of various ages. Age-appropriate discussion questions help reinforce the Bible verses and get children thinking about the story’s life application.
4. God Is Good
This interactive 15-week Creation series uses the NLT version of the Bible. The material emphasizes God’s goodness, as seen in all the wonderful things he made, including people.
5. In the Beginning
This site is filled with teaching resources and tips to help Sunday school staff and parents explain Creation. Adapt the material to your children’s learning styles. Then enjoy answering their questions about what God made and who made God.
6. Creation Bible Studies
Geared toward preschoolers, this Bible-based material also reinforces reading, writing, and memory skills. “Kiddos have questions,” the site notes. So it’s vital to “include more intentional Scripture study” in our precious time with children.
7. Created for a Purpose
Although this Sunday school lesson on Creation isn’t from Genesis, it reveals an important biblical truth: God made me who I am—and God made me for a reason. By exploring the Old Testament story of Esther, it offers reminders that God created us each with great value.
How to Answer Tough Questions
Kids’ questions get more complex as they grow up, but don’t be intimidated! If you’re stumped, turn to insightful Christian resources online for answers.
Answers in Genesis is especially helpful, with kid-friendly activities and videos, plus more in-depth material for adults. For example, this relevant article about who made God is titled “Jesus—He Was Before Creation!”
What other materials and resources do you recommend for teaching children about who made God? Please share your ideas in the comments below!