Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders Easter Sunday School Lesson: Help Children Celebrate Jesus’ Victory

Easter Sunday School Lesson: Help Children Celebrate Jesus’ Victory

Easter Sunday School Lesson Wrap-Up: Responsive Victory Prayer (5 Minutes)

Pray and Respond

Read the following prayers. After each one, kids will shout as a prayer to God, “you win!”

Pray: We have hope because (kids respond), we have the promise of eternal life because (kids respond), we celebrate because (kids respond), we have purpose because (kids respond), we have faith because (kids respond)we have victory over sin because (kids respond), we have victory over death because (kids respond).

Also let kids add their own prayer beginners. Let everyone respond with “you win!”

Life-Application Wrap Up

Pray: God, thank you that you win! Thank you for giving us victory over sin and death. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Thank kids for coming to this Easter Sunday school lesson. Encourage them to return next week.

Looking for even more great resurrection-themed ideas? Check out all these Easter posts

This Easter Sunday school lesson originally appeared here.