Last month, our daughter turned 18, and this month, she’s graduating and preparing to head off for college.
Whoever said that “the days go by slow, but the years go by fast” must have been a parent with experience, because it’s so true.
As I think back on 18 years of joy-filled memories, my heart is truly thankful to God for the precious gift of our daughter. She has made me a better man and our family a stronger home.
Here are 3 prayers I pray for my daughter as she enters into her next season of life.
I pray for your purity of heart.
Faith, you are a rare diamond in the ruff. I don’t know that I’ve ever met a person with as big and pure a heart as yours. You love without limits. You shine without shame. You graciously give without gain. Because this world is such an impure place, I pray that you never lose the beautiful purity of heart that God has gifted to you. I pray that you always continue to forgive and never stop seeing only the best in others. Always keep smiling through both joy and pain. Always keep singing and sharing your story. Always keep becoming more like Jesus, the purest one of all.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:8)
I pray for your sensitivity to God.
Nothing will take you farther or help you accomplish more for God’s kingdom than your consistent daily walk with Lord. I’ve watched you daily spend time in the word every morning, reading, praying, and listening to the voice of God, and it thrills my heart to see how sensitive you are to God’s spirit and leading in your life. I pray that you never stop. I still believe the words of D.L. Moody when he said, “The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in and by the man (or woman) who is fully consecrated to him.” I think of you when I read this.
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25)
I pray for your joy-filled faith.
”Joy-filled Faith” are words that describe you to a ’T’. I’m one of the most low-key people most may ever meet, so I’m amazed that God gave me a daughter with such spunk, fun, humor, and zeal for life (you must get all of that from your mother)! You are the life of every party, the ‘best friend’ of every friend, and the best giver of hugs that I know. You bring so much joy to so many people, including myself. Thank you for being my greatest encourager. I’m going to miss you, and especially getting my daily squeeze. I pray that no matter where life takes you, you’ll continue to leak God’s love and joy wherever you go. And I pray that you never forget to let God daily keep filling you up as you faithfully pour yourself out.
“These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” (John 15:11-12)
Faith, as you graduate, may you always remember that we love you more than you could know. May God help these three things that he has given you be a part of the rest of your life as you pierce undeniable light into a world full of darkness! Because it’s on the darkest nights that the brightest stars shine. Never stop shining!
This article originally appeared here and is used by permission.