Father’s Day Children’s Crafts: Honor Dads & Other Special Men

Father's Day
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Need fresh ideas for Father’s Day children’s crafts? Then keep reading for a kidmin craft that kids (and men) will love. 

Help kids remember the important role our earthly fathers play in our lives. This Father’s Day craft is ideal for elementary-age students. Use this idea in your Sunday school classes and children’s church program this summer.

Pro Tip: Be sensitive to children who don’t have a dad or stepdad. If kids don’t have a special adult male in their lives, consider a buddy system at church.

Stuff you’ll need:

  • construction paper
  • scissors
  • a hole punch
  • yarn
  • markers

Father’s Day Children’s Crafts: My Father’s Tie

Tell kids to make a creative card. It can be for their father, grandfather, or favorite adult male. Use the following steps:


  1. Cut a tie shape from the construction paper.
  2. Decorate your tie to look like the kind of tie your father (or a special man) wears. On the back, write a note to your father to wish him a “Happy Father’s Day.”
  3. Next, punch two holes in the top of the tie.
  4. Thread a 15-inch piece of yarn through the two holes. Then tie the two ends together in a knot. Make sure the yarn is large enough to fit around a man’s head.

Talk Teasers

Gather kids together in a circle.

Say: In Exodus 20:12, God tells us to “honor your father.” Honor means to respect, listen to, and obey. Giving your father a special gift is one way to honor him.

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