The newest installment in the “God’s Not Dead” franchise is set to release to theaters this fall. “God’s Not Dead: We the People” will focus on educational and religious liberties, specifically as they pertain to homeschooling.
“The God’s Not Dead franchise continues in God’s Not Dead: We the People as Reverend Dave …is called to defend a group of Christian homeschooling families,” said a July 13 announcement on the God’s Not Dead Facebook page. “He finds himself taken aback by the interference of the government, and believing that their right to educate their own children is a freedom worth fighting for, Reverend Dave is called to Washington DC to testify in a landmark congressional hearing that will determine the future of religious freedom in our country for years to come.”
God’s Not Dead: We the People
“God’s Not Dead: We the People” is the fourth film in the “God’s Not Dead” franchise. “God’s Not Dead,” released in 2014, told the story of a Christian college student who stood up to his aggressively atheistic philosophy professor. In “God’s Not Dead 2,” a high school teacher faces a court case because of how she answered a question about Jesus in class. The third film, “God’s Not Dead: A Light in Darkness,” follows the conflict between a church mentioned in the previous two films and the university campus where the church is located. The popular Christian band Newsboys appeared in all three films and wrote the song, “God’s Not Dead,” which also appears in the movies.
David A.R. White, who stars in the franchise, was a founding partner in the streaming service Pinnacle Peak Pictures (formerly Pure Flix Entertainment), which has produced all of the “God’s Not Dead” movies. The newest film also stars Christian singer Francesca Battistelli and actor Antonio Sabato, Jr., who told Variety he was blacklisted in Hollywood after he publicly supported Donald Trump for president in 2016.
The “God’s Not Dead” films have been widely panned by critics, but have done well with their base of evangelical Protestants. The franchise has earned over $100 million worldwide to date.