Money Back Guarantee Tithing? Guest Preacher Robert Morris Challenges Willow Creek to Give With Full-Refund if Unsatisfied

Screengrab via YouTube @Willow Creek Community Church


On Sunday Feb. 22, 2022, Gateway Church’s senior pastor Robert Morris preached at Willow Creek Community Church as part of their sermon series titled “More Than Money.”

Sexual abuse allegations surrounding Willow Creek’s former pastor and founder Bill Hybels, which led to his resignation in April 2018, along with the COVID-19 pandemic, has resulted in lower tithing numbers at the church.

According to The Roy’s Report, Willow Creek has been working on a reduced budget, which is half of 2019’s revenue, also reporting that weekly giving is still down 20 percent this year.

Willow Creek’s executive pastor Tim Stevens explained that last year’s giving is similar to 2021’s giving, sharing that “the reality is that a larger percentage of our giving happens at the end of the year.”

RELATED: Bill Hybels Announces Resignation, Cites ‘harmful accusations’

Morris has been a controversial figure in some evangelical circles because of his support of former President Donald Trump, with others saying his preaching is a “softer” version of a prosperity gospel.

In his sermon titled “The Principle of First,” Morris shared that thousands upon multiplied thousands of people have told him that when they started the first 10 percent of their income to God, it changed everything in their life.

Challenging Willow Creek’s congregation, Morris explained what he does with their 44,000 member church. “I’ve told our church on multiple occasions, I’ve said to them. If you’ll try it for one year—if you are not fully satisfied—at the end of that year, I’ll give you your money back.”

“With twenty-two years of church, no one has ever asked for their money back,” Morris said.

Morris then guaranteed, apparently without the blessing of Willow Creek’s leadership, “I’m so confident—I’ll say it here. You tithe for one year and you’re not fully satisfied…” Gateway Church’s senior pastor said, then paused.

“They will give your money back,” Morris said, pointing to Willow Creek’s leadership with an apologetic giggle. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he told them and joked that he’d never be welcomed back to preach at the church again.

After Morris’ sermon, Willow Creek’s senior pastor Dave Dummit said, “I’ll just go ahead and say yes. Just like the Lord said, test me in this. I think I’ll go ahead and be bold and say if you do this for the year and you are not fully satisfied, we’ll give the money back. I like that challenge.”

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Jesse T. Jackson
Jesse is the Senior Content Editor for ChurchLeaders and Site Manager for ChristianNewsNow. An undeserving husband to a beautiful wife, and a father to 4 beautiful children. He serves as the chairman of the deacons, a growth group leader, and is a member of University Baptist Church in Beavercreek, Ohio. Follow him on twitter here ( Accredited member of the Evangelical Press Association.

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