A new partnership is going to make it possible for the popular series “The Chosen” to be translated into 600 languages. Creator Dallas Jenkins says the alliance with the nonprofit, Come and See, is “gasoline on the fire” of what is already happening through the series.
“This new partnership with Come and See supercharges our efforts,” said Jenkins in a press release. “We’re able to produce episodes bigger and faster, get them translated into more languages, and market the show on a scale previously impossible.”
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Come and See Foundation Opens Doors for ‘The Chosen”
In a video published to YouTube two weeks ago, Dallas Jenkins introduced Stan Jantz, Come and See’s CEO, and Mart Green, who serves on Come and See’s Board of Directors. Jantz has an extensive background in Christian publishing and has been president of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA). Mart Green is the son of Hobby Lobby founder David Green and currently serves as Hobby Lobby’s Ministry Investment Officer.
During the video, Jenkins, Jantz and Green explained the purpose and role of the foundation. “Your mission is to expand our mission,” Jenkins said to the other two men. “Our mission is to reach a billion people with the authentic Jesus.”
Season 1 of “The Chosen” has been dubbed in 12 languages and subtitled in 62, while Season 2 has been dubbed in seven languages and subtitled in 20. Jenkins said that leaders at “The Chosen” have had a desire to translate the series into more languages than these, but have not been able to move forward with that goal. “There’s lots of countries that want ‘The Chosen’ in their own language and it’s expensive and we don’t have the resources necessarily,” he said.
Stantz and Green shared how they first became familiar with “The Chosen” and how the series impacted them. Notably, both men were moved by the part when Jesus calls Mary by her name in Season 1. God put the desire in each of their hearts to help more people learn who Jesus is through the series and eventually connected them with Jenkins. “The greatest story has never been told like this before,” said Jantz. “This is the greatest tool for global evangelism and discipleship I have ever seen.”
Anticipating questions about how the partnership with Come and See might impact “The Chosen,” the three men emphasized that foundation will have no say or influence whatsoever on the series’ content. Rather, the focus of Come and See will be on getting the content translated into other languages.