Sean Feucht Calls on Christian Artists To Speak Out Against ‘Demonic’ Performance at the Grammys

Sam Smith
(L) Screengrab via Twitter @seanfeucht (R) Screengrab via YouTube @Recording Academy / GRAMMYs


On Sunday (Feb. 6), Sam Smith and Kim Petras performed their song “Unholy” at the 65th Grammy Awards, a display that has been labeled “satanic” by a number of Christian leaders.

Smith came out as gay in 2014, changed to genderqueer in 2017, and came out as non-binary in 2019. Smith collected a fifth Grammy Award alongside Petras for their song “Unholy” Sunday night, making Petras the first transgender woman to ever receive a Grammy.

Seven-time Grammy Award winner Madonna introduced the pair’s performance, describing them as “incredibly talented artists” and “rebels” while praising them for “forging a new path.” The controversial “Like a Prayer” singer received a roaring ovation for saying, “All you troublemakers out there need to know that your fearlessness does not go unnoticed. You are seen, you are heard, and, most of all, you are appreciated.”

During the performance, Smith wore red leather pants and high-heeled boots while the duo sang their #1 charting song. Petras sang from inside a cage set in the foreground of a burning stage. Dancers dressed as demons brandished whips.

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Toward the end of the song, Smith donned a top hat with horns while dancers rubbed their hands up and down the singer’s body.

Turning Point USA chief creative officer Benny Johnson called the performance “full-on Satan worship.”

Prestonwood Baptist pastor Jack Graham warned: “Our culture has put the worship of Satan front and center as entertainment as recently as Sunday night. We must not open the door to these demonic influences. This is a slippery slope.”

Worship leader and songwriter Sean Feucht (Let Us Worship) told ChurchLeaders that the Grammy performance was demonic, adding, “This full demonic agenda is being exposed, it’s out in the open, and it’s even being celebrated.”

“We are seeing the worst filth, demonic, pornographic, perverted songs,” Feucht said. “What frustrates me is that we do not see enough believers in the industry speaking out against it…We see people almost embracing the affection of the world.”

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Feucht reminded Christians that we aren’t “following the Word of the Lord” when we become “friends with the world.” Christians must “resist the devil” so he will flee from them (James 4:7).

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Jesse T. Jackson
Jesse is the Senior Content Editor for ChurchLeaders and Site Manager for ChristianNewsNow. An undeserving husband to a beautiful wife, and a father to 4 beautiful children. He serves as the chairman of the deacons, a growth group leader, and is a member of University Baptist Church in Beavercreek, Ohio. Follow him on twitter here ( Accredited member of the Evangelical Press Association.

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