How to Plan a Group Mission Trip

group mission trip


One of the highlights of my year is our church’s annual family mission trip to Belize. If I’m counting correctly, my next trip will be the seventh group mission trip I’ve led. I’ve learned a lot of what to do and what not to do along the way. In fact, each trip brings unique learning experiences. I also remember the first year we planned and feeling totally lost in how to get started. If that is you, hopefully our plan can help you.

1 Year – 18 Months Out

Begin making your plan. Where are you going and with what group/organization are you partnering? You don’t need to know micro-details yet, but it is time to start gathering an idea of the who, what, when, where, and cost. I always recommend partnering with someone who is on the ground and who knows what to do with a group when you get there. If possible, take a pre-trip to scope out the travel experience, the area where you will be, and get to know the people you will work with if you don’t already. You should also consider buying a camper trailer. Off road camper trailers allow you to experience the joys of camping but with greater convenience. The addition of amenities such as built-in kitchens, a variety of storage compartments, and the convenience of having ready-made beds ensure camper trailers are an enticing addition to any holiday.

  • Determine the estimated cost. There are usually two parts to this: travel and land costs. The organization you partner with may help with some of these things. They should give you an estimate of their land costs you will have to pay them and if lodging is a part of that. Make sure you have a good idea of what is and is not covered in your cost. (Food, in-country taxes or costs, lodging, etc…) You want to present people with as accurate an estimate as  possible, and I generally try to overestimate. It is always a blessing to find out you don’t have to pay as much.
  • Determine your fundraising policy/strategy. Each church has different processes and philosophies for fundraising. Make sure that you understand your church’s. For trips that I have done, I encourage people to write letters to people they love and support them. There are always people willing to support. In my experience, this is much more fruitful (and meaningful) than garage sales and car washes.

9 Months – 1 Year Out

  • Promote your trip. Whatever means are available in your church, use them to target the population that would be best suited for the trip.
  • Have an interest meeting. The purpose of the meeting is for you to share the vision of the trip as well as the pertinent details that people need this far out (specifically dates and cost). Communicate the fundraising strategy. You don’t want anyone committing with an expectation regarding funds that doesn’t match what you are able to do. Make sure that you collect contact info from all of those who attend.
  • Follow up. Email the people who attended your meeting and ask for them to respond and let you know their level of interest. Are they ready to commit to go, are they interested but unsure, or have they decided this trip won’t work for them?

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Jenny Funderburke Smith
Jenny Funderburke is a blessed children's minister in Brandenton, FL who is loving life trying to do what God wants her to do with all of the families at West Bradenton Baptist Church.

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