Home Pastors 5 Things That Hurt a Pastor’s Credibility

5 Things That Hurt a Pastor’s Credibility

5. Failing To ‘Go First’

Even if pastors consistently display moral integrity both online and in person, they may still find their credibility slip among their congregation and in their community if they are not willing to always “go first.” 

Preachers often speak about lofty goals. It’s their job to do so. They call their people to deeper discipleship and a more set apart way of living. They cast big vision. They make bold appeals. 

Because they’re human, pastors can never perfectly live up to the words they preach. Be that as it may, the wider the gap between what a pastor preaches and how he lives his life, the less credible he becomes. If the gap becomes wide enough, people will stop listening to him entirely. 

Leadership authority comes from your willingness to go first. If you are calling your people to evangelize, you should seek to be the lead evangelist. If you are calling your people to give generously, you must seek to be among the biggest givers. If you are calling your people to serve tirelessly, you must never misuse the privilege of your position to avoid doing something lowly. 

Credibility Is Hard Won and Easily Lost.

Credibility can be difficult to establish and all too easy to lose. Nevertheless, most people are not entirely without grace when it comes to following the lead of their pastor. 

Pastors who consistently do their best to be faithful people of integrity, never claiming to be something they are not, and always point their people to Jesus will build their credibility over time, allowing them to touch the lives of the people in their churches and be a part of transforming their communities.