Home Pastors 4 Church Frustrations That Can Get the Best of You (But Don’t...

4 Church Frustrations That Can Get the Best of You (But Don’t Have To)

church frustrations

Frustrations are common in the church, just as in any organization. However, the way we see them and how we handle them can be a true game changer!

As leaders, you and I likely share a common love for the church.

Yet there are days, maybe seasons, where the flaws of the church feel particularly frustrating. But that’s no more problematic than someone saying that they love people, but on occasion, people can be frustrating.

It’s what we do with that frustration. And this includes both staff leaders and volunteer leaders. We’re in this together.

Some merely complain and criticize, while others seek solutions, serve, and lead the way to improvement. It really is that simple.

The human experience will always include imperfection; good leadership focuses on all the good the church can do and, in a constructive spirit, deals honestly with the flaws that merit attention.

4 Common Church Frustrations

1. Good Leaders Make Mistakes.

Good leaders, even great leaders, make mistakes. This isn’t an excuse; it’s reality. We know this is true, but sometimes have expectations of ourselves or others that leave little to no room for error.

Mistakes are part of the territory when we are making progress and taking new ground. (We’ve never been there before!) But candidly, I’d be more concerned if you never made mistakes because you would likely be playing it too safe.

Learning from our mistakes is how we grow as leaders and lead the church even better. The test for good leadership is not the absence of mistakes but that we are not repeating the same mistakes.

Mistakes can be very frustrating from any angle or perspective, but they are truly common to life and any organization.

2. Good Volunteers Can Let You Down.

I’ve known some of the most wonderful volunteer leaders who seemed to drop their responsibilities.

Yes, sometimes even the best of volunteers can let you down. That’s never easy, and it can be frustrating.