Everyone around you is creating or has created resolutions for 2019. They want to eat better, be more active, be a better person, etc. Maybe you have started on working on some of these resolutions as well.
If you are a pastor I think there are three resolutions you should look at committing to in 2019. Here they are:
Love Better
The first pastoral resolution for 2019 is to love better. This is not just “loving your people better” or “loving your staff better.” I’m talking about upping your love game in your whole life.
How can you love God better in 2019?
How can you love your spouse and family better in 2019?
How can you love your church better in 2019?
How can you love your neighbors better in 2019?
I hope as we go into the New Year that we all resolve to love better as pastors.
Lead Better
Recently, Brandon wrote a really good article on developing a personal growth plan. Check it out here: How to Develop a Personal Growth Plan as a Pastor
We are not going to make any headway as a leader and pastor in 2019 if we are not working on ourselves.
One more thing I would add to probably all the other things you want to do to lead better in 2019 is to take one person under your wing and really pour into their discipleship and development. If you personally improve yourself and really invest in someone you will be a better leader as a pastor this year.
Pray Better
For me this is the most important one. See good pastors love people well and they lead well, this can be done to an extent with an inadequate prayer life, but to really reach the next step loving and leading in 2019 you have to commit to taking the next step in your prayer life.
Really sit down this week and assess your prayer life. How often are you spending one on one time with God? How much more time do you need to spend to be the leader and pastor he has called you to be?
Maybe you could do some practical things to help your prayer life: set an alarm to remember to pray for certain things and certain people, start a prayer journal, or a number of other things to help your prioritize prayer in your life in 2019.
What are your Pastoral Resolutions for 2019?
This article originally appeared here.