“Black churches have their problems. White churches have their problems. But what you can see is that throughout the history of the Black churches, there has been a fidelity to Scripture. There has also been a faithfulness to justice.”
“White evangelicals seem to have this marriage to white nationalism, that I think is quite dangerous and nasty, but also there has to be a sense of hospitality from those Black brothers, Brown brothers, Asian brothers and sisters who are out there who know that reconciliation is not a luxury, that it’s not something that we have an option to pass over.”
“It is very important that we allow artists to be artists and to tell the truth about society because artists and creatives actually move culture. A lot of people think politicians do it and thinkers. But when you get the artists to believe in something and to communicate something, then the culture moves in that direction.”
“The more we ostracize and we push creatives to the margins, the church will find itself continuing to fight culture wars that are dated.”
“We all are creating in some form or fashion.”
“Oftentimes we feel like work is agnostic, it’s not agnostic, every belief, every swing of the hammer is informed by somebody’s belief. You may not know what that is, but guess what? You’re swinging it because somebody is paying you to swing it. And if you don’t have a belief behind your swing, then I think that is probably one of the most dangerous things to do.”
Mentioned in the Show
He Saw That It Was Good: Reimagining Your Creative Life to Repair a Broken World by Sho Baraka
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116 Clique
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