Andy Stanley: Are You Missing This Key Part of Your Sermon Prep?

Andy Stanley
Photo courtesy of Andy Stanley


“I use more notes now than ever. I’m almost 100% scripted.”

“I know this is idealistic, but I would love to think people a week later [after the sermon] could pick up that text in their Bible and go, ‘Oh, I know what that means.’”

“The biggest mistake new communicators make, in my experience, and I mean young communicators I should say, is they’re great about their personal story, they’re pretty good about the application, but their energy generally dips when they get to the text.”

“I create three questions. I put them on the screen right after the sermon and I say, ‘Hey, I want you to keep this conversation going at home. I want you to keep this conversation going around lunch. If you’re watching from home, I want you to right now take these three questions and talk about them at home with whoever you’re watching with.’”

“The only person that doesn’t have to be engaging is your doctor because you’re really interested in the information. But other than that, if the presenter isn’t somewhat engaging, even the most life-giving text can come across as dead and boring.”

“So again, it’s passion and it’s preparation. And then it’s just the hard work of how do I say this in such a way that people get it, it’s moving and it’s portable, memorable, and they know what to do with it.”

“If you’re not content to just pull something out of the file and re-deliver it, if you really want to show up on the weekend prepared with something fresh to say, it never gets easy. That’s from my dad at 83 years old.”

“I wouldn’t wish this on anybody. If God has not called you to do this, do something else. Because no matter how successful you are, no matter how well-known you are, here comes Sunday, here comes Sunday. And here is the who. Here’s the single moms, the people struggling with their finances, the people with prodigal kids. The prodigal kids are going to give you one more shot. And if you don’t show up with passion and preparation, you’re a bad steward of what God’s called you to do.”

Mentioned in the Show

Matthew 7
Romans 8

Deep and Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attendby Andy Stanley
Communicating for a Change: Seven Keys to Irresistible Communication” by Andy Stanley and Lane Jones
North Point

Check out Andy’s website
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Jessica Lea
Jessica is a content editor for and the producer of The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast. She has always had a passion for the written word and has been writing professionally for the past five years. When Jessica isn't writing, she enjoys West Coast Swing dancing, reading, and spending time with her friends and family.

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