13. Serve food to the poor and homeless in a soup kitchen.
14. Serve as greeters or parking lot attendants for weekend services.
15. Have a cookout.
16. Go bowling.
17. Play volleyball.
18. Pass out Bibles door-to-door.
19. Take a short-term missions trip.
20. Go out to eat at a nice restaurant.
21. Put a roof on a disabled man’s house.
22. Take Christmas dinner and gifts to a needy family.
23. Watch a group member perform in a concert or play.
24. Go for a hike.
25. Help a group member move.
26. Have a holiday party.
27. Watch a special TV program.
28. Play board games.
29. Have a theme party and dress accordingly.
30. Visit a museum.
31. Go Christmas caroling.
32. Play soccer.
33. Go shopping.
34. Have a birthday party.
35. Visit a group member in the hospital.
36. Have an international dinner with a missionary.
37. Have a scavenger hunt.
38. Have an all-night prayer meeting.
39. Attend the funeral for the family member of a group member.
40. Play basketball.
41. Serve as counselors or sponsors at a youth activity.
42. Paint a needy person’s home.
43. Play Frisbee golf.
44. Bake cookies.
45. Serve in children’s church together.
46. Go canoeing or rafting.
47. Have a housewarming or dedication party.
48. Go to a concert.
49. Run an obstacle course.
50. Play paintball.
51. Have a pool party.
52. Go on a prayer walk.
This list of church small group ideas originally appeared here, and is used by permission.