Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders Icebreaker Games for Youth: 10 Fun Get-to-Know-You Ideas

Icebreaker Games for Youth: 10 Fun Get-to-Know-You Ideas

5. Mix & Meet

Any icebreaker game involving food is surely worth playing. This one uses M&M’s to help a small group get to know each other. It’s perfect to kick off a small-group discussion, a team-building event, or even a one-on-one meeting.

4. Team Architect

This team icebreaker doesn’t force any deep conversations. But it does help kids see how they each work dynamically. Team members must work together to complete an objective (usually building something).

3. Shoe Talk

Definitely a favorite icebreaker idea! I played this game at a camp, and it really helps you get to know a couple of random people in a low-pressure situation. The game allows the opportunity to ask someone a question. But it doesn’t allow enough time for things to become awkward.

2. Name Bingo

This group icebreaker game works with any size group. And it works perfectly even when no one has met before. Each person must complete a Bingo sheet by meeting different people who fit each category. A seriously awesome mixer game!

1. Two Truths and a Tale

I use this all-time classic icebreaker often. Though it doesn’t work for a larger youth group, it’s a highly entertaining small-group icebreaker. It provides opportunities for group member to share interesting things about themselves. Plus, it reveals each person’s thinking style and sense of humor.

This article about icebreaker games for youth originally appeared here.