Motivate Volunteers: 5 Ways To Maintain Excitement

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Want to motivate volunteers in your youth ministry? Different people serve for different reasons. Some want to help you out, and it has nothing to do with a specific calling or sweet spot. Others have a heart for teenagers and a calling to youth ministry.

Both groups of people make great volunteers, but each group is motivated differently. So when it comes to igniting passion, you need multiple methods. What works to motivate some of your volunteers may not work for all.

5 Ways to Motivate Volunteers at Church

Here are a few ideas to motivate volunteers in your youth ministry program.

1. Help volunteers remember the mission.

Often, with the hustle of projects and events, the mission can get lost. Volunteers might forget the reason they are there. So take time to share your passion for the mission, to renew theirs.

2. Offer story time for volunteers.

Instead of kickstarting the next event or adventure right away, take time to debrief and share stories with volunteers. Let people share stories with each other. It’s like chopping down a tree with an ax. What motivates people to continue chopping is seeing the ax making a difference. So don’t just clinically debrief what worked and what didn’t. Hold story time!

3. Let volunteers evaluate.

Whenever you meet with a volunteer, always ask what you can do better. Some people steer clear of this because they don’t want to hear the negative. But it’s actually a time to learn and grow as a leader and ministry. Also, you increase volunteer buy-in to the ministry. If you receive praise and even use it for promoting things, then how about receive and use the criticism to make things better? Meanwhile, you’re giving volunteers ownership by listening.

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