Spring Sunday School Crafts: 12 Ways to Celebrate God’s Creation

spring Sunday school crafts
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Spring Sunday School Crafts

4. Garden Stones

Kids create garden stones with this outdoor project. They’re a reminder of the stone that was rolled away on Easter morning.

You’ll need:
  • round aluminum tins
  • quick-setting concrete mix
  • a large tub
  • a wooden stick for stirring the concrete
  • craft sticks
  • items to place in the stones for decorating, such as pebbles, shells, or small toys
What you’ll do:

Have an adult mix the concrete outdoors in a large tub according to package directions. Pour the concrete into round tins, filling them 3/4 full. Have kids use craft sticks to write, “New life in Jesus!” in the concrete. Then kids can add small items to their concrete stones to personalize them.

Let the stones dry at church over several days. Send the stones home the following week. Tell kids to remove the tins and place the stones in their backyards or gardens. They can serve as a reminder of the stone that was rolled away from Jesus’ tomb.

5. Spring Watercolor

Celebrate spring’s new growth with nature and watercolors.

You’ll need:
  • white construction paper
  • small spray bottles
  • liquid watercolors
  • newspaper
What you’ll do:

Take kids outdoors to collect new signs of growth, such as grass, leaves, and flowers. Then cover a table with newspaper and fill the spray bottles with different spring colors of liquid watercolors.

Arrange nature items on a piece of white construction paper and gently spray the paper with several different paint colors. Allow the papers to dry before removing the nature items from the paper. The shapes will remain on the paper, creating a beautiful spring watercolor.

6. Edible Nests

Kids make these sweet nests to display Easter candy and enjoy as a snack.

You’ll need:
  • a mixing bowl
  • spoon
  • aluminum cupcake pans
  • chocolate chips
  • shredded wheat cereal
  • a microwave
  • jelly beans
What you’ll do:

Crumble 1-1/2 cups of shredded wheat cereal into a mixing bowl. Have an adult melt 1 cup of chocolate chips in the microwave, then mix the chocolate and shredded cereal. Place two spoonfuls of the mixture into each hole of the cupcake pan. Have kids form the mixture around the hole, leaving an indentation in the center. Place the nests in the refrigerator to cool for 10 minutes, and then let kids fill their nests with jelly beans for a yummy take-home Easter treat.

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