Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders Why Your Church Needs You to Serve Kids Now More Than Ever

Why Your Church Needs You to Serve Kids Now More Than Ever

Normal is not normal.

These days if a volunteer has the sniffles or a cough, they can’t come. If someone gets quarantined, they are out of pocket for 7-14 days. This is our “new normal” – to use the term we all hate now. Not only are children’s ministry leaders working to staff each Sunday, they also are having to find more substitutes than ever.

Our kids are still recovering.

Research is showing us that kids are experiencing anxiety and depression at alarming rates. Our church’s kids have been through a lot this past year. They need to be in solid ministry experiences where the truth of Scripture is reinforced and they can rebuild relationships with other kids and adults. Your leaders are likely having to make tough choices about how to do ministry with fewer people. They are trying to create the very best environments they can, but may be having to make choices in curriculum and programming that they don’t want to make. They need more volunteers to best minister to kids who are coming back from a really tough place.

Current volunteers are tired.

If your church is like mine, we had a core of incredibly faithful volunteers who jumped in as soon as our doors opened. They went from weeks at home with no commitments to selflessly committing to serve week in and week out. That was a big jump. Now, in our situation, we are nine months in and people are tired. They deserve massive applause and reinforcements.

What does this have to do with you? Everything! As a member of your church, whatever your role there is, I challenge you to reach out to your children’s ministry leaders. At the very least encourage them and support them. But I believe you can do more than that. Ask how you can help during this season. Does that mean you may have to suck it up and change some diapers? Maybe. Does that mean you may have to commit to be somewhere on a Sunday? It does. Does that mean you may have to be around kids even though that may not be your first choice? Yes.

Why you? Because Jesus calls each of us to die to self and to serve. Because Jesus really meant it when He said, “whoever welcomes one child like this in my name welcomes me.” Because this could be a crucial moment in the life of your church. Most of all, God wants to do incredible things in the life of your church and in the hearts of kids.

This article originally appeared here.