“A little bit over a third of evangelical Christians are ambassadors of Christian nationalism. Another third of evangelicals would be considered accommodators of Christian nationalism…You’re getting into the 70-75 percent range of white evangelicals who are either friendly to or true believers of Christian nationalism.”
“We’re trying to get pollsters like Pew to be more accurate with their language and to say ‘Look, you keep on talking about white evangelicals as if it’s this monolithic group and it’s not.’”
“You have a lot of conservative Christians, conservative Protestants who don’t feel like they don’t have good choices to make politically…but that’s not the same as being completely onboard with everything Trump has said and done, with his entire agenda, or what we saw at the Capitol on Jan. 6.”
“It is a misunderstanding to say that somebody who is a Christian nationalist is absolutely a Christian.”
“We found secular people who affirmed Christian nationalism…these are people who identify with Christian nationalism because it’s kind of an ethnic identity. They equate being white and being Christian and being American and that’s more what we saw at the Capitol [riot]…A secularized Christian nationalism isn’t so much about Jesus as it is about taking back something that belongs to them racially, ethnically, and maybe religiously.”
“Jesus calls us to make disciples of Christ, not make disciples of Christendom or churchianity or white evangelicalism.”
“The fact that people are associating followers of Christ with white Christian nationalism…is a witnessing nightmare and it’s an apologetics nightmare. And this isn’t just a concern with [public relations]. This is a concern with idolatry and purifying the church.”
Mentioned in the Show by Samuel Perry:
“Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States,” by Andrew Whitehead and Samuel Perry
Samuel Perry on Twitter
Andrew Whitehead on Twitter