72 of the Cheesiest Christian Pick Up Lines You’ve Ever Heard

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Christian pick up lines are funny, awkward, cheesy, and if I ever hear my sons use them when they get older I’ll disown them in the blink of an eye! (Either that or use it on my wife and see if it works. LOL.)

Christian Pick Up Lines

Men…ladies…are you guilty of ever using lame Christian pick-up lines like these? Hilarious!

1. I would part the Red Sea for you.

2. Now I know why Solomon had 700 wives…because he never met you.

3. What are you doing for the rest of your afterlife?

4. Did you say your name was Esther? Oh, I guess I just think you were chosen for such a time as this.

5. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

6. Ten percent of me is 100 percent certain that I can give you 10 percent of my heart forever.

7. I feel like God’s telling me that you should go on a date with me.

8. For you, I would slay two Goliaths!

9. Let’s be like Noah and do this as a pair.

10. You must be Egyptian because I’m a slave for you.

11. The word says to ‘give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry’; so how about dinner tonight?

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Charles Spechthttp://www.charlesspecht.com
Charles Specht is a bi-vocational pastor in central California, as well as the managing editor of GodlyWriters.com. He is married to his wife, Kathy, and has five children, two of whom were adopted from China. On his personal website CharlesSpecht.com, he blogs about the intersection of intentional faith and Christian leadership. You can connect with him on Twitter (@CharlesSpecht), Facebook (AuthorCharlesSpecht), Google+ and LinkedIn.

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