10 Things That Require Zero Talent: Discover Life Skills for Serving

10 things that require zero talent


What are 10 things that require zero talent? And how can these things help teens and adults grow as people and as Christ-followers? Keep reading to learn more!

“I’m not as talented as they are.” When I hear someone say this, I point out that more-talented people will always be around. Then I add that less-talented people will always be around too.

Rather than focusing on other people’s talent, I encourage coaching clients to focus on what they can control. And several of those things take absolutely no special skills. So I’m spreading the word about 10 things that require zero talent.

Derwin Gray, senior pastor of Transformation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, posted the image below on Twitter. It contains important life lessons for today’s young people—and for anyone wishing to improve their social interactions, leadership skills, and Christian witness.

This succinct list echoes and effectively captures the essence of my coaching. Talent isn’t everything. It’s rarely even the main thing. Because these 10 things that require zero talent are so important, let’s explore each one. We’ll also look at what the traits and actions reveal about someone.

10 Things That Require Zero Talent

1. Being on Time

First, punctuality shows that you’re mature and responsible. It also indicates you respect other people’s time, schedule, and needs.

2. Work Ethic

Second, do you give focused effort on the right things? Are your daily priorities in order?

3. Effort

Ideas often come easily. But doing the work is where accomplishment takes place.

4. Energy

This is the most valuable contribution you bring to an organization, class, team, group or church. That’s why people are drawn to doers.

5. Body Language

Generally, this comprises about 55% of all your communication. So pay attention to eye contact, hand movements, and other gestures.

6. Passion

Next up is a trait that gets described in many ways. I define it as owning the result.

7. Doing Extra

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary involves giving a little extra. Do you go above and beyond regularly?

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Brian Doddhttp://briandoddonleadership.com
Brian Dodd is a church stewardship & leadership consultant. See www.briandoddonleadership.com for additional insights.

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