
The Six Laws of Technology

There is a fascinating article in the Wall Street Journal titled "The Six Laws of Technology Everyone Should Know." It is based on the writings of Melvin Kranzberg, a professor of the history of technology at Georgia Institute of Technology.

5 Great Ways to Use MailChimp Effectively

When I started my first job in church communications, one of my many responsibilities was handling all of the email marketing. My choice to use Mailchimp made my job easier.

How to Follow Up With First-Time Guests Online

Many churches follow a Sunday morning ritual of asking “Who is new?” and then handing out connect cards to visitors. The next step is where many churches go wrong. Either they fail to follow up completely, or they only make a one-time effort to reach out to first-time guests. 

Website Priorities – Lead With What’s Important!

While websites give churches tremendous potential to reach the community and world for Jesus, few accomplish all they should.What content should be on your church website? Website priorities make a huge difference.

5 Evernote Alternatives to Organize Your Life

Evernote, a cross-platform note-taking and organization app, is one of the most popular tools in the world for getting your act together.

Apple’s M1 Chipset: Here’s What We’ve Learned

Apple introduced Macs with a new M1 chipset late last year, and many are excited about it! I’m getting lots of inquiries from folks who want to get a M1 equipped Mac. Is it ready? We’ve tested it; here’s what we learned.

LiveStream Review: Faithlife Proclaim 3.0 Software

If your church needs a way to get people to continue participating in services every week even when they stay at home, the Faithlife Proclaim 3.0 software can now make it happen with its live streaming capabilities.

10 Keys to ChMS Success

No matter which ChMS you use, the following 10 tips can help you maximize your software’s usefulness, and achieve ChMS success.

Spring Communication Resource Round-Up

In a variety of situations and on a variety of topics I've been asked for resources lately and I realized that it might be...

Cornerstone Technologies: A Modern Missionary Model

“Tentmakers can have a tremendous impact on the country where they serve. As successful businessmen, they have credibility with the locals and often have access to the true leaders in the country. God can use their business success to open many doors that are closed to other missionaries.”

Is Your Technology Destroying Your Volunteer Ministry?

As with any technology, we have to be careful that our love of technology doesn't blind our eyes to some of the problems that technology can cause for volunteers.