Fun Bible Activities for Kids: 3 Easy Devotions for Elementary Kids

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Fun Bible activities for kids hold their interest and boost their learning. Object lessons and active experiences are especially powerful for elementary-age students.

If you need great ideas for Bible activities and devotions, check out the three below. Children will learn about forgiveness, spiritual gifts, and committing their plans to God.

Enjoy trying out these fun Bible activities for kids!

Fun Bible Activities for Kids

1. Pong

Use this game to help kids think about forgiveness.

You’ll need:

  • a Bible
  • 4 ping-pong balls per child
  • paper
  • markers

Form two lines. Give the first player in each line four ping-pong balls, two to hold in each hand. Place paper and markers on the opposite side of the room.

Say: When I say “go,” those holding the balls must run to the paper and write their full names while still holding the balls. Then they’ll run back and hand the balls to the next person in line. The first team to get everyone to the opposite wall and back wins.

Collect the balls. Then repeat the relay. This time kids will write “forgive.”


  • Talk about the difference between the relays.

Read aloud Ephesians 4:32.


  • How is holding on to the balls in our race like holding on to unforgiveness?
  • Why might you forgive even when you don’t feel like it?

Sharon Carey
Washington, Illinois

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